About me
About Me
Hi, welcome to GamarsTCG! My name is Daryan. I am a freshman college student that grew up collecting Pokemon cards around the XY era. On top of Pokemon, me, my brothers and cousins grew up playing Yugioh.
Some more background on my Pokemon collecting journey, like I mentioned before I collected around XY era, one of my favorite cards was my Surfing Pikachu #111 as well as my Light Slowbro #51, although they aren't anything special, when I was younger I really liked the design of those two cards. One of my other favorite cards, that I basically destroyed from playing Pokemon TCG, was my Mewtwo EX that had an ability that for every psychic energy attached to the card, it would add I believe 20 or 40 damage. So when I was younger I absolutely abused that card to dominate against my family and friends. Unfortunately, when I was younger, my grandma, being incredibly traditional, threw all our cards away in the belief that these cards were gambling (which if you have ever ripped hundreds of packs for a single chase, she wasn't wrong). So all the cards of my childhood have probably been crushed and burned.
But recently, I have gotten back into Pokemon collecting, especially Silver Tempest. Although we haven't pulled the alternate art Lugia that everyone has been fiending for, we have pulled the Trainer Gallery Rayquaza full art, which currently is sitting in a toploader that my girlfriend decorated with little "coquette" stickers (I think that's how you use the word). Ever since hearing about Silver Tempest from my younger brother, I have been back to collecting since. Although I haven't gotten particularly lucky with any chase cards, my top cards are the Rayquaza like mentioned before, the Jolteon V (no not the VMAX unfortunately) from Eevee Heroes, and the Ghastly illustration rare from Temporal Forces.
Introductions aside, thank you for visiting my site and supporting me whether it be through watching my videos or purchasing my products. I would love to hear from all of you about your Pokemon collecting journey. Send me an email and we can chat!
Here are also the links to my socials so you can stay up to date about what I am doing: linktr.ee/gamarstcg